wendy roussin

The Mountainside series is shot in the Colorado Rockies along service roads in national forests, and in state/national parks.

Images are shot with a 4x5" pinhole camera onto Polaroid Type 55 film. The negatives were exposed as lumen prints, then scanned and edited in Photoshop. They are displayed as archival digital prints.

The Coastline series consists of images from two different but related series - Shoreline and Riverside. All images are photographed along the coastline and barrier islands of southeastern Florida.

Images in these series are shot with a 4x5" pinhole camera (both in BW and color)a an then scanned and edited in Photoshop. They are displayed as archival digital prints.

The images in the iPhone gallery are not from any specific series.

Images are primarily from Colorado, Florida, and Indiana but could be from anywhere among my journeys.

They are displayed as archival digital prints.

The Grandfather in Winter series is shot on Grandfather Mountain in the North Carolina Smoky Mountains.

Images in this series are shot with a 4x5" pinhole camera onto BW film.

They are displayed as archival silver gelatin contact prints.

The Valley of Fire series is shot in the Nevada desert, mainly in the Valley of Fire State Park.

Images in this series are captured digitally and edited in Photoshop.

They are displayed as archival digital prints.

This Miscellaneous gallery consists of both older work that may or may not be part of an existing series and will occasionally feature newer works from evolving series.

Images range from traditional BW or C-41 color prints from medium and large format cameras, to digital images and pinholes.